Keeping Raccoons Friendly, Basic Guidelines for Beginners

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Keeping raccoons so that they are good friends with us is not an easy task. Of course, it requires extra effort to make it according to our wishes. Because they are intelligent and agile animals. However, without the correct method, raccoons will become aggressive animals and can disrupt your home environment. Therefore, maintenance requires precise and thorough methods.

Keeping Raccoons Friendly, Basic Guidelines for Beginners

Guidelines for Keeping Raccoons So They Are Friendly and Tame

Raccoons are intelligent and cute carnivores. Even though it is quite aggressive, it has now become a popular animal for some people. Especially those who want to have a unique pet. However, keeping these animals requires special attention and knowledge of their needs. Here is a complete guide on how to care for it properly.

1. Choosing the Right Food

Raccoons are naturally meat-eating animals. But in a domestic environment, you can give them food such as good quality dog food or cat food. Apart from that, you need to provide additional food such as insects (crickets/Hong Kong caterpillars), fruit, and vegetables. It is important to ensure that a raccoon’s diet includes all the nutrients sufficient for their health.

To be friendly, never disturb the raccoon while eating. For example, by joking with him or playing with his food. In addition to losing his appetite, the raccoon can also be wild like his natural character.

Also, do not give him food that he doesn’t like. The raccoon will fight or refuse food such as garlic. Raccoons also don’t like peppermint. If you continue to provide this food, the raccoon will become thin. The raccoon can even run away to another place to find its own food.

2. Spacious and Comfortable Cage

Raccoon cages should be larger than cages for keeping small animals in general. This is to give the raccoon enough space to move. It would be better if you added accessories or cage filling such as poles. This accessory is to provide mental and physical stimulation to raccoons. This will help prevent stress and make the raccoon happier. So make sure the cage has good ventilation and is protected from extreme temperatures.

3. Cage Security

Raccoons are smart animals and can escape through small gaps. Therefore, when deciding to keep raccoons, make sure the cage is always tightly closed and locked. Check periodically for damaged parts of the cage that the raccoon could use to escape.

4. Free room with Vigilance

If you choose to release the raccoon at home (free room), make sure the raccoon has truly bonded with you. This can prevent them from escaping or damaging your furniture at home. So, you still need constant supervision when giving this freedom to raccoons.

5. Cage Health and Cleanliness

Clean the raccoon’s cage at least twice a week to keep it clean. Accumulated droppings can cause stress to raccoons and can also lead to health problems. Watch for signs of illness and consult a veterinarian immediately if necessary.

Those are some simple guidelines for keeping raccoons so they are friendly to us. Even though it is quite complicated and challenging, with the right steps you can make a raccoon a tame pet. Make sure to always pay attention to security and safety when keeping raccoons at home.

Raccoon vs Raccoon Dogs, Same But Different

With a number of distinctive characteristics raccoon have, it turns out that some people often have difficulty distinguishing between raccoon and raccoon dogs. Even though these two species are very different.

Raccoons are wild mammals known for their distinctive black mask-like markings around their eyes. Raccoon also have a more robust build and ringed tail. They are part of the Procyonidae family and are native to North America. Raccoons are omnivores and have adapted to various environments, including urban areas.

On the other hand, raccoon dogs, also called tanukis in Japan, refer to a completely different species.They resemble raccoons but have a more dog-like appearance. Raccoon dogs have shorter legs, and lack the facial mask.

Additionally, raccoon dogs have a lighter coloration and their tails are bushier without distinct rings. Despite its name, the raccoon dogs is not closely related to raccoons. It belongs to the Canidae family, making it a distant relative of domestic dogs.

Raccoon dogs are native to East Asia and are known for their similar appearance to raccoon. Such as facial markings and a bushy tail. This comparison certainly provides different techniques as well as keeping raccoons or dog raccoons.